The end

2011 May 29

Created by Sue 12 years ago
I managed to change my train time from London back up to Derby but this was riddled with problems as there was alot of work being done on the lines with it being Sunday. I should have got back into Derby at 10am instead of my original 2pm. By the time I eventually got into Derby it was just after 12pm. My mum picked me up from the station and we went straight to the vets. Anna was off but the nurse took us straight in to see Holly. She was barely there. She could just about lift her head when she saw me but when I put my hand down to her she weakly clung on to me with her paw. She knew this was it and so did I. I couldn't stop crying and felt this was so unfair. I'd only lost Furbie 6 months ago and I was here again so soon going through the same torture again. I spent about 10-15 minutes with her and the nurse left us to have some time on our own. One of the other vets came in to talk to me after a while about what was happening and the kindest thing to do would be to let her go. Through floods of tears I signed the consent to put Holly to sleep. I couldn't stay to see it done.... I wanted my last memories of my Holly to be alive even if she was only just alive. She looked so sad and pathetic when I left the room. I just felt numb with pain but also with anger that there was nothing that could be done to save her in this day and age.